Interested in exploring the Vaganova method training regimen?
For a limited time only, we are opening our classes to prospective students to explore training within Bayer Ballet's Pre-Ballet and Upper Divisions.
Meet our award-winning faculty, who deliver a holistic approach to the art of classical ballet, utilizing the Vaganova method, a scientifically based and physiologically sound methodology, which creates impeccable artistry, creativity, and awareness, mind and body.
Unleash your full artistic potential.
open classes
pre-ballet division
AGES 3-4
Saturdays, 9:00-9:45: Ballet (Miss Marina) - JOIN WAITLIST
AGES 3-5
Saturdays, 12:00-12:45: Ballet (Miss Christina) - JOIN WAITLIST
Sundays, 12:00-12:45: Ballet (Miss Christina) - REGISTER
AGES 5-7
Saturdays, 9:45-10:30: Ballet (Miss Marina)- JOIN WAITLIST
Saturdays, 10:30-11:15: Stretching (Miss Marina) - REGISTER
Saturdays, 11:15-12:00: Stretching (Miss Christina) - REGISTER
Sundays, 11:15-12:00: Stretching (Miss Christina) - REGISTER
AGES 6-7
Saturdays, 10:30-11:15 Ballet (Miss Christina) - JOIN WAITLIST
Sundays, 10:30-11:15 Ballet (Miss Christina) - REGISTER
AGES 8-10
Saturdays, 9:00-10:30: Ballet+Stretching (Miss Christina) - JOIN WAITLIST
Sundays, 9:00-10:30: Ballet+Stretching (Miss Christina) - REGISTER
Saturdays, 11:15-12:15: Ballet (Miss Marina) - REGISTER
AGES 5-7
10am-4pm: One-Week Full Day - MORE INFO

open classes
upper division
HYBRID training
This series is being offered for a limited time only to give prospective students an opportunity to explore Bayer Ballet's Upper Division Vaganova training program:
MAY 24 - JUNE 13
Juniors 2 (ages 9-10) - REGISTER
Juniors 5 (ages 11-12) - REGISTER
Juniors 6 (ages 12-13) - REGISTER
Apprentice (ages 14-15) - REGISTER
Pre-Professional (ages 16+) - REGISTER
Individual Class: $30
Full Week: $25/class
DRESS CODE (Upper Division)
Women: black leotard, pink tights, pointe shoes (if applicable)
Men: black tights and white t-shirt
schedule at a glance
upper division
Click arrows to view. Schedule subject to change.
safe artistic development
For a limited time only, we are offering OPEN CLASSES to give prospective students an opportunity to:
experience the Vaganova method training regime;
train with master Vaganova instructors;
step inside a Program Division, taking classes, which may include: Russian Vaganova Ballet Technique, Classical Ballet Repertoire, Character, Stretching + Conditioning, Contemporary Dance, Pointe/Pre-Pointe, and Variations;
train in a facility designed with dancers’ health and wellness as the priority with spaces that provide flexibility to adjust, as guidelines and mandates change, allowing us to transition between in-studio and outdoors
SAFETY FIRST - we are following recommended guidelines and ask for your cooperation. This is a shared responsibility. We are taking all precautions and adhering to the recommended guidelines and directives to keep dancers and their families, as safe as possible.
HEALTHY & HAPPY GROWTH IS IMPORTANT - we are dedicated to helping all students achieve their individual goals, while creating an environment that promotes physical and mental wellness.
MASTER VAGANOVA FACULTY are graduates of the Vaganova Academy and Bolshoi Ballet Academy, where they received their training and graduate degrees.
OUTDOOR STUDIOS & PERFORMANCE SPACES feature raised wood floors with overhead coverage, mirrors, barres, fans, and monitors. This space provides flexibility to adjust, as guidelines and mandates change, allowing us to transition between in-studio and outdoors.
INDOOR STUDIOS equipped with Large monitors, cameras, and tripods installed in studios to all in-person teachers and remote teachers to correct all students.